Downloadable Resources


We’ve compiled a complete list of all the downloadable resources available on this website. Please browse through each chapter to find the resource you need! Have a resource that isn’t listed? Contact us!


Sexuality 201: Sex after SCI

PleasureAble – A Sexual Device Manual for People With Disabilities (DHRN/VCH, PDF Download)

AD Wallet Card – A small card to share with a healthcare provider or emergency responder on how to diagnose and treat autonomic dysreflexia. (provided by Spinal Cord Injury BC)

Sex Position Handbook – Use this helpful guide to switch things up in the bedroom and find out what works best for you!

Information for Partners Resources


Spouses and Partners of People with Quadriplegia - YouTube playlist by Facing Disability

Facing Disability - YouTube playlists about family life and parenting with an SCI

10 Tips for Partner CaregiversSCI BC blog.

Broken - Blog by Author Emma K White, based on her memoir of her partner's injury, rehab and first years travelling.

Family and Caregiver Support - Resource section of Facing Disability.

Spinal Cord Injury: Talking With Your Partner about Sex: HealthLinkBC.

Wheel Love - YouTube documentary about marriage with SCI.

WAGS of SCI - Online community for wives and girlfriends of SCI to connect with each other.

What the World Gets Wrong About My Quad Husband and Me - Laura Dorwart, Catapult.


Hold Me Tight - Sue Johnson, about 7 conversations every person in a relationship should have.

The Seven Principles of Making a Marriage Work - John Gottman.


Check out the Video Playlist for this chapter!

Bladder & Bowel

Bladder Management following Spinal Cord Injury: What you should know –  by the Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine, USA; PDF Download

Bladder Management (GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre; Large format colour poster PDF) – to print, choose landscape, 8.5 x 11″

Bowel Management (GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre; Large format colour poster PDF) – to print, choose landscape, 8.5 x 11″


PleasureAble: Sexual Device Manual for Persons with Disabilities (2010), Krassioukov et al. This booklet was created by rehabilitation, sexual health clinicians and OT students, and contains pictures, descriptions and information on how to find sexual devices that work for a variety of disabilities.


PleasureAble: Sexual Device Manual for Persons with Disabilities (2010), Krassioukov et al. This booklet was created by rehabilitation, sexual health clinicians and OT students, and contains pictures, descriptions and information on how to find sexual devices that work for a variety of disabilities.

Body Mapping – Download this .pdf and discover what parts of your body feel what, and how!

Self Senate Focus – Print out this focus exercise and record what your body feels

Partner Senate Focus – Use this exercise as a guide to discover what you and your partner feel


Oh Mommy! Stories of pregnancy and parenting by SCI BC Peers (PDF) – Taken from The Spin, Fall 2015 issue, p14-16.

Dads & Daughters – Stories of dads with SCI (PDF), taken from The Spin Winter 2015 issue, p18-19