Downloadable Resources
We’ve compiled a complete list of all the downloadable resources available on this website. Please browse through each chapter to find the resource you need! Have a resource that isn’t listed? Contact us!
Sexuality 201: Sex after SCI
AD Wallet Card – A small card to share with a healthcare provider or emergency responder on how to diagnose and treat autonomic dysreflexia. (provided by Spinal Cord Injury BC)
Sex Position Handbook – Use this helpful guide to switch things up in the bedroom and find out what works best for you!
Information for Partners Resources
Spouses and Partners of People with Quadriplegia - YouTube playlist by Facing Disability
Facing Disability - YouTube playlists about family life and parenting with an SCI
10 Tips for Partner Caregivers - SCI BC blog.
Broken - Blog by Author Emma K White, based on her memoir of her partner's injury, rehab and first years travelling.
Family and Caregiver Support - Resource section of Facing Disability.
Spinal Cord Injury: Talking With Your Partner about Sex: HealthLinkBC.
Wheel Love - YouTube documentary about marriage with SCI.
WAGS of SCI - Online community for wives and girlfriends of SCI to connect with each other.
What the World Gets Wrong About My Quad Husband and Me - Laura Dorwart, Catapult.
Hold Me Tight - Sue Johnson, about 7 conversations every person in a relationship should have.
The Seven Principles of Making a Marriage Work - John Gottman.
Check out the Video Playlist for this chapter!
Bladder & Bowel
Bladder Management (GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre; Large format colour poster PDF) – to print, choose landscape, 8.5 x 11″
Bowel Management (GF Strong Rehabilitation Centre; Large format colour poster PDF) – to print, choose landscape, 8.5 x 11″
Body Mapping – Download this .pdf and discover what parts of your body feel what, and how!
Self Senate Focus – Print out this focus exercise and record what your body feels
Partner Senate Focus – Use this exercise as a guide to discover what you and your partner feel
Dads & Daughters – Stories of dads with SCI (PDF), taken from The Spin Winter 2015 issue, p18-19